Milonguero Nights Tango Festival in Moscow 23th to 27st of August 2018

Milonguero Nights Tango Festival in Moscow 23th to 27st of August 2018

Dear friends,

We are happy to invite you to Milonquero Nights Tango Festival, taking place in Moscow, August 23-27.

This season of Milonguero Nights Moscow is expected to be spectacular! 

More about The Maestros! We are happy to present couples of teachers, whose classes and shows are always fantastic – don’t miss them:
Juan Martin Carrara y Stefania Colina

Mariela Sametband Y Guillermo "El peque" Barrionuevo

Eloy Octavio Souto

DJ Dream Team! 
In this Milonguero Nights edition we are happy to announce:  
Eloy Octavio Souto
Сергей Попов (Sergey Popov)
Сергей Марков (Sergey Markov)
Дмитрий Тарханов (Dmitry Tarkhanov)
Алина Шатковская (Alina Shatkovskaya)

We hope you will enjoy the festival and warmest embraces in Moscow from 23rd to 27th of August !

Org team «Milonguero Nights 2018»



Индивидуальные танго уроки от Александра Прищепова, пишите на WhatsApp +79854475356